If you are looking to connect with like minded people you may enjoy coming to some of the community events that happen each month.
Shamanic Drumming Circle

The First TUESDAY of every month: 7 – 9.30pm | The Gallery, Roundwood Parish Hall, A98 K7K6, Co. Wicklow | €7
A shamanic drumming circle is a place to come with friends, catch up over a cuppa and then connect in an authentic way. This is a particular type of drumming, using a shamanic drum. A steady 4-7 beats per second, will induce theta brain waves to enable us to journey into non ordinary states to retrieve healing, insights and wisdom for ourselves and our community. All welcome, no experience in shamanic journeying or drumming is necessary. If you have a shamanic drum I welcome you to bring it along. You would need to bring a mat, pillow and blanket. This is a non profit event, costs are to cover venue and refreshments.

Thur 20th Feb ’25 | 7pm- 9.30pm | Slí na Bandé, Newtownmountkennedy, A63 DD78 | €15
(going forward the third Thursday of the month)
Ecstatic Journey
We gather in circle at 7pm to centre ourselves and connect in with each other. We do a round of introductions, our name, how we are (as much or as little as you want to share). I will explain the process a little and then I connect in to formally open sacred space. The Ecstatic Journey starts with music for the movement (dance) section. This lasts about 20 minutes. For the breathing section, with the music still playing you are invited to lie down and connect with your breath, this lasts about 5 minutes. The music stops and I will begin drumming and we will drop into a Shamanic Journey. At the end we will come back and sit in circle and share our experiences to help ground and integrate them.
Nervous about dancing? I use the words movement to music as opposed to dace because very often I hear, “I am not able to dance”, “I’m too self conscious” or “I’m not good at dancing”. The movement/dance part can be sitting on the floor and feeling the vibration of the music while stretching. It can be swaying gently, being still, jumping or vigorously shaking, playing with rhythm and timing, skipping, dancing your favourite moves. It is not meant to look any particular way. We are encouraged to allow the music, your body and emotions to guide how you move. The room is darkened, people are drawn to close their eyes and drop into their own experience. It is a profound experience when we get out of our head and into our body and give the thoughts and emotions their time to move and be, in a safe space of compassion and non judgement.
If you would like to know more about any of above, or if have any questions, just contact Fiona on safehaventranspersonal@gmail.com or 087 2989801.